Impacts of the Design of In-Between Spaces in High-Density Living Environment on Older Adults’ Activities and Social Lives: a Case Study of Subsidised Housing Estates in Hong Kong
Mo, K.H. (PI)
Early Career Scheme, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong; 2023-2026 (HK$1,448,720)
Capacity Building for Happy Ageing Lab Foundation
Mo, K.H. (PL), Ko, K.Y., Sin, H.L., Fan, N. & Mui, S.W.
ZeShan Foundation and Ho Cheung Shuk Yuen Charitable Foundation; 2023-2024
Research and Advisory Service for the Theme-based Improvement Works in Public Rental Housing Estates
Mo, K.H. (PI – as Research Partner)
Housing Authority, Hong Kong SAR Government; 2023-2024
Pilot Study of Age-friendly Neighbourhood: Participatory Action Research with Older Adults, Other Age Groups and Professionals in the Private Housing Estate in Hong Kong
Mo, K.H. (PI)
Direct Grant for Research CUHK; 2023-2024 (HK$100,000).
Impacts of the Design of In-Between Spaces in High-Density Living Environment on Older Adults' Activities and Social Health: a Case Study of Tailor-Designed Elderly Housing Estate in Hong Kong
Mo, K.H. (PI)
Direct Grant for Research, CUHK; 2022-2023 (HK$100,000)
Study of the Implementation of the Intergenerational Housing Model at Hong Kong Housing Society’s Hung Shui Kiu Development
Mo, K.H. (PI), Woo., J., Fan, N., Mui, S.W. & Ko, K.Y.
Hong Kong Housing Society; 2022-2023
Feasibility Study of Senior Living Business Models at CCG Development
Mo, K.H. (PL) & Ko, K.Y.
Chinachem; 2023
Study of the Implementation of the Intergenerational Residential Development at Yuen Long
Mo, K.H. (PI), Fan, N., Mui, S.W., Ko, K.Y. & Sin, H.L.
Sun Hung Kai Properties; 2022
A Study on a Pilot Inter-generational Residential Housing Project at the Hong Kong Housing Society
Principal Investigator, with Jean WOO, Ning FAN, Sarah MUI, and Rina KO
Hong Kong Housing Society; 2021-2022
Enabling a Healthy Ageing City: Built environment, Out-of-home activities, and Well-being of Older people in Hong Kong
Co-Investigator, with HE Ying Sylvia (PI), Mei Po KWAN, and Yannie CHEUNG
CUHK Social Science Research Impact Fund; 2021-2023 (HK$500,000)
Happy Ageing Lab
Project Leader, with Rina KO and William SIN
CUHK Sustainable Knowledge Transfer Project Fund; 2021-2023 (HK$600,000)
Healthy Ageing x Ageing in Place
Co-Leader, with Jean WOO (Project Leader) and Ruby YU
CUHK Knowledge Transfer Project Fund; 2021-2023 (HK$400,000)
Data-Driven Urban Studies – A Computational Toolkit for Analysing Complex Urban Data and Processes
Co-Investigator, with Jeroen AMEIJDE (PI) and Hendrik TIEBEN
CUHK Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant; 2021-2022 (HK$333,000)
Developing a Virtual Field Trip with Modules and Mixed Reality Technologies to Complement a Physical Field Trip
Co-Investigator, with HE Ying Sylvia (PI)
CUHK Funding Scheme for Virtual Teaching and Learning; 2021-2023 (HK$300,000)
Urban Design Lab @ Via North Point: Co-creation of Urban Charter for North Point District
Principal Investigator, with Rina KO and William SIN
Urban Renewal Fund via Hong Kong Arts Centre; 2020 (HK$85,000)
Project Hap Sap: Prototype of Training and Empowerment Programme for Promoting Elderly Well-being in Built Environment
Principal Investigator, with Rina KO and William SIN
SIE-Fund via The Hong Kong Council of Social Service; 2020 (HK$200,000)
Sustainable Communities Lab for People’s Multifaceted Well-being
Co-Leader, with Mee Kam NG (Project Leader), Hendrik TIEBEN, HE Ying Sylvia, and Victor LI
CUHK Knowledge Transfer Project Fund; 2020-2021 (HK$400,000)
Study of Residential Design Guide for Healthy Ageing in Hong Kong (Open-source)
Co-Principal Investigator, with Jean WOO (PI) and Rina KO
Chinachem Group; 2019-2024
Nutcrackers: Empowerment Research Project Fostering Elderly Well-being in Built Environment in Hong Kong
Co-Project Leader, with Jean WOO (Project Leader) and Mee Kam NG
SIE-Fund via CUHK Knowledge Transfer Project Fund; 2019-2020 (HK$400,000)
Co-Creation of Age-Friendly Home: Workshop Collaboration
Collaborator, with Sarah MUI, Rina KO, and William SIN
Housing Society Elderly Resources Centre via One Bite Design Studio; 2019 (HK$10,000)
A Multi-dimensional ‘Point-Line-Plane’ Approach to Industrial Heritage Conservation in Hong Kong: A Case Study of Ma On Shan (MOS) Iron Mine
Co-Investigator, with Mee Kam NG (PI), Joanna LEE, Victor LI, Jianfa SHEN, Hendrik TIEBEN, and Ka Ming WU
Built Heritage Conservation Fund, Development Bureau, HKSARG; 2018-2020 (HK$2,000,000)