City Beyond Territories: Multiple Hong Kongs
Chung, T. (2022) City Beyond Territories: Multiple Hong Kongs (越界城市: 多重香港). New York, Hong Kong: AIA, HKIA. ISBN: 978-962-8272-43-3.
Cultural and Historical Studies for South Lantau
Chung, T. and Cheung, S.C.H. (2021) Cultural and Historical Studies for South Lantau. Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong. ISBN: 978-962827240-2.
Vertical Fabric: Density in Landscape
Wang, W. and Chung, T. (2019) Vertical Fabric: Density in Landscape. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Architects. ISBN 978-988-79429-1-7.
Refabricating City: A Reflection
Wang, W. and Chung, T. (2010) Refabricating City: A Reflection. Hong Kong: Oxford University Press (China). ISBN 978-0-19-396308-5.
Book chapers and Journal articles
Territorial Development in modern Hong Kong
Chung, T. (forthcoming 2024) “Territorial Development in modern Hong Kong: From colonial topographies to regenerative landscapes” in Transformative Hong Kong. Eds Sarah Lee, Hendrik Tieben, Yutaka Yano. ORO Editions, 114-123.
Countryside Conservation: Review & Prospect
Chung, T. (2023) “Countryside Conservation: Review & Prospect” in 25 ·50 Hong Kong’s Urban Development. [鄉郊保育:回顧和展望. 25· 50 香港城市發展 ·回顧和展望]. Edited by Corrin Chan. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing Ltd, 144-159.
Countryside, what next?
Chung, T. (2023) “Countryside, what next?” in Countryside,
HKIA Journal 78, 3-7. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Architects.
Architectural restorations for remote countryside regeneration in Hong Kong
Chung, T. (2023) “Architectural restorations for remote countryside regeneration in Hong Kong: The cases of Lai Chi Wo, Mui Tsz Lam, Kuk Po” in FuturArc, Vol. 81, pp.50–61. Singapore: BCI Central.
Towards a regenerative approach for countryside conservation
Chung, T. (2022) “Towards a regenerative approach for countryside conservation”, in REFLECTIONS / Architecture and Urbanism 01. Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 106-121.
The Greater Bay Area: Integration, Differentiation and Regenerative Ecologies
Chung, T. (2021) “The Greater Bay Area: integration, differentiation and regenerative ecologies” in Eyes of the City. Eds by Daniele Belleri, Valeria Federighi and Monica Naso. Berlin, Germany: Hatje Cantz Verlag GmbH, 119-128.
Overseas Cases of Adaptive Reuse
Chung, T. (2019) “Overseas Cases of Adaptive Reuse” in Sustainable Revitalization: Adaptive Reuse of Industrial Buildings. Edited by Tris Kee, 44-121. Hong Kong: The Commercial Press.
Towards Ecological Dwelling
Chung, T. (2018) “Towards Ecological Dwelling: Villages, brownfields and productive landscapes” in Landscape, HKIA Journal 74, 65-69. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Architects.
Floating Fields – Cultivating a Productive Pondscape as Leisure Public Space
Chung, T. (2016) “Floating Fields – Cultivating a Productive Pondscape as Leisure Public Space” in Urban Environment Design vol.10, no.6, 376-379. Tianjin, China: School of Architecture, Tianjin University.
Value Farm – Transplanting "Post-urban" Cultivation
Chung, T. (2014) “Value Farm – Transplanting ‘post-urban’ cultivation” in Urban Environment Design, vol.83, no.06, Tianjin, China: School of Architecture, Tianjin University, 224-227.
The Measure of Hong Kong’s Urban Intensivity: Case Study on Graham Street Market
Chung, T. (2013), “The Measure of Hong Kong’s Urban Intensivity: Case Study on Graham Street Market”. Intensities in Ten Cities: Mn’M Workbook 1. Ed. by Darko Radovic. 30-35. Tokyo, Japan: International Keio Institute.
Valuing Heritage in Macau: on Contexts and Processes of Urban Conservation
Chung, T. (2009), “Valuing Heritage in Macau: on contexts and processes of urban conservation” in Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, vol.38 1/2009, 129-160. Hamburg, Germany.
Macau: Ten Years after the Handover
Chung, T. and Tieben, H. (2009) “Macau: Ten Years after the Handover” in Journal of Chinese Current Affairs, vol.38, 1/2009, 7-17. Hamburg, Germany: GIGA Institute of Asian Studies.